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Casa Regis - Center for Culture and Contemporary Art is situated in an historic building from the 1600's, located in a semi-remote mountain village in the Piedmont region of Northern Italy where visual artists, video-makers, sound artists, and writers can apply for a residency during the summer months. The quiet setting  promotes an undisturbed creative process while the characteristic building serves as an aesthetic backdrop to showcase projects or host exhibitions. See more

La mission è quella di rivelare le qualità speciali dei paesi collinari piemontesi e, al contempo, collegare questa regione incontaminata con il resto d’Italia e la comunità internazionale attraverso la presenza e lo scambio di artisti contemporanei. Ospitiamo mostre e residenze d'artista.

    Copyright 2019. Associazione Casa Regis, Via Privata Maria Teresa 7, 20123, Milano, Italia. Cell +39 333 1995 123  C.F.97812670152

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